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Archery Hunting on AGC Property

The below rules are also available as a PDF: Rules for Hunting on AGC Property


  1. Applicable rules and regulations

    • Hunters have to be in possession of a valid hunting license, range badge, a Maryland state shooter’s qualification card, and follow all applicable rules and regulations while hunting on AGC property. (Please see the Range Safety Officer for the Maryland state qualification card.) Only non-permanent tree stands may be used. Hunting on AGC property is for archery only and only by AGC Associated Club members.

  2. Identification

    • Hunters on AGC property will carry their area permit and range badge with them at all times. If questioned by an officer, confirmation of said permit can be made by comparing name, range badge number and permit number with the list available from the RSO.

  3. Hunting area

    • Hunting during range operations is only permitted in the hunting zone. The zone is further subdivided with only one hunter permitted in each division, except junior hunters (see rule 16). Divisions are assigned by signing up for them and receiving confirmation via email (first come-first serve, please provide 48 hours for turnaround approval). The divisions are marked along the middle of each division. Stay within 10 yards of the center of each division (this provides adequate spread between hunters).

  4. Game limits

    • If you take a buck you MUST take 2 does on AGC property BEFORE taking a second buck. Once there are 50 deer taken from the property the season will close. The goal is to limit the deer herd, not eliminate them. If the season ends early all hunters will be notified by e-mail.

  5. Times & Dates

    • Access to the hunting zone is possible with prior reservation for the day. A maximum of 4 time slots a week can be reserved. Please note that reservations are not guarantee until confirmed by the hunting committee.

  6. Sign in and out

    • Before entering the hunting area, hunters with reservations will sign in with name and cell phone number for their hunting division at the AGC front entrance gate (gate will be locked prior to operating hours). Hunters will receive their hunting permit from the Hunting Coordinator, arrangements will be made at the time your time is approved. Hunters will stay in the assigned division for the duration of the hunt unless tracking wounded deer. They will sign out when leaving the property. Please sign out at the end of each hunt.

  7. Access to hunting zones

    • To minimize disruption of range operations, hunters may only access and egress from the hunting zone by the designated paths. Hunters must park at the designated parking area in front of the pool house.

  8. Shooting

    • No shooting towards the houses, over the drive way or the positions of other hunters.

  9. Tracking of Wounded Deer

    • Deer may be tracked on our property. If a deer moves to a neighboring property the hunter is responsible for getting permission from the owner to retrieve the deer. If you have to track a deer out of the hunting area you MUST call the RSO at 410-461-8532.

  10. Transportation of deer

    • Deer may be field dressed on the spot of the kill or in the tree-line behind the pool house.

  11. Reporting

    • The hunter will report deer sightings and successful shots to the hunting committee. No penalty will be assigned for missed shots. The gathered data is solely for refining our understanding of deer movement. Taken game must be registered on the AGC Hunter Sign-In Sheet prior to leaving the property and reported by e-mail to the hunting committee. Include the following data:

      • Sex

      • Weight (appx.)

      • Estimated age (young, mature, old)

      • Please report all information to the Hunting Chairman by this e-mail:

  12. Game other than deer

    • While the hunt is for deer only, both coyote and fox may be taken if encountered. All DNR regulations apply. Please report all kills.

  13. Trash

    • All trash (i.e. soda bottles, cans, food containers, etc.) will be removed from the hunting area! Violators will lose their hunting rights for the remainder of the season. Please report any trash in your area to the RSO (410-461-8532) so that you are not accused of littering.

  14. Bait

    • Corn will be allowed as bait, but be aware anyone can hunt on a baited area. Baiting an area does not make it your area. You may only bait from 12 noon to 2:00PM or after the day’s hunt is over. You can only bait an area if no one is hunting it or if you have reserved.

  15. Reservations

    • Reservations can be made by e-mail. Send all requests to the Hunting Chairman at this email: Please provide notices 48 hours in advance. If you do not have internet access please contact the Hunting Coordinator via the Range Safety Officer.

    • Reservations can be made for either an AM or PM time slot for a specific area (1 through 4). AM time slots start at legal shooting time to 2pm. PM time slots will begin at 2:00PM and last until the end of the legal shooting time.  All reservations are first come first served. If a time slot is open but the area is taken you will be notified. This will allow up to 8 hunters in a day.

  16. Junior Hunters

    • All junior hunters must stay within line-of-sight of their senior hunter while hunting, scouting and tracking of game. All junior hunters must stay in their reserved hunting area unless tracking game. Junior hunters must have a Maryland state shooter’s qualification card and sign-in on the AGC Hunter Sign-In Sheet prior to hunting.

  17. Scouting

    • Scouting is encouraged on Sundays. Scouting will not be allowed in areas that are currently assigned.

  18. Hunting Committee

    • If you encounter anything out of place, rule breaking or have any suggestions to improve the hunting area please call the RSO at 410-461-8532 or send an e-mail to the Hunting Chairman at

AGC Hunting Map.jpg

Contact us:

11518 Marriottsville Rd, Marriottsville, MD 21104



Weather-Related Range Status: 410-461-9855

© 2024 Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, INC

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