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AGC is a membership range.  Members have access to all ranges and facilities any time they are not reserved.

Becoming a member is a 3-Step process:

Step 1: Join an Associated Club

Different clubs have different ways of joining.  Choose which club is best for you.  The list of our associated clubs can be found here.

Step 2: Complete an Orientation

We provide orientations on Sundays at 8am for $10 per person.  Click here to sign up.  You can also contact your club and see if they provide orientations. 

Step 3: Purchase Your Range Badge

Once you have your club membership and orientation affidavit, come into the office Mon-Wed-Fri 8am-12pm or Sat-Sun 9am-4pm to purchase your badge. 

Types of Range Badges:

Standard Range Badge

All AGC members have a range badge with a unique badge number, and are to be used by that person exclusively.  Badges are active from the time of purchase to the end of the current calendar year.  


Family Badge

To be eligible for a family badge, you must be the spouse or child under the age of 23 of a current badge holder and have the same address as that badge holder, and you must complete the requirements for a standard badge.  A family badge is the same as a standard badge, but at a discounted price.  An individual with a family badge can use the range to the full extent of a regular badge holder. 


Junior Badge

To be eligible for a junior badge, you must be 16 years of age or above, have a certificate of qualification (NRA, Boy Scout, 4H, etc.), and must complete the requirements for a standard badge. 


Half-Year Badge

Half-year badges are for NEW MEMBERS ONLY.  A new badge holder is defined as someone who has NEVER been an AGC badge holder.  Half-year badge sales commence on July 1st, and continue through the end of the sales of current year badges, usually November 1st.​  A half-year badge offers a discounted price on a regular badge for a partial year. 

Contact us:

11518 Marriottsville Rd, Marriottsville, MD 21104



Weather-Related Range Status: 410-461-9855

© 2024 Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, INC

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